healingartplay: now: artfulplaying.blogspot.com

healingartplay: now:  artfulplaying.blogspot.com
where work lives

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

playing with your 'presentation'

many people adopt a style
or fashion
early in life
and it stays and stays
exactly the same
the first time someone told
me about the boy they knew
at school
who wore an orange sock and
a blue sock
and always made sure to wear
two different colors every
with a heightened experimentation
in the way I wear my hair or a hat
the clothese I pick and the accessories
mine say "different" , "a little kinky"
and a mix of vintage and hippie.
While it might not be original is is
originally mine and I like feeling good
and comfortable with the me I present
to the world as well as the inner me I
continue to dress each day with values
like loyalty, integrity, questioning and
exercising the whole brain every opportunity
I have. Getting older means not taking much
for granted. Going to the bathroom regularly without
difficulty is often a blessing.
Being able to clearly read a pattern or see a stitch
without squinting is relaxing. Best of all, each sunrise
and sunset and day passing is the world anew each time.

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